التقدير النوعي لمعدل نتريث ونترات الصوديوم المستخدم كمادة حافظة في بعض أنواع الجبن من نوع )الشرائح ( الموجود بالسوق المحلية سبها . Qualitative evaluation of Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite uses as Food reservation matter in some local market's cv2heese cheese sliced

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In this study, the estimation of the rate of sodium nitrite and NaNo2 and NaNo3 used as preservatives in some types of cheese of the slice type available in the local market was studied. The test of the control showed that the reaction of sodium nitrite dissolved in 10 ml of water with dilute sulfuric acid So4H2o &Iron sulphate and the second iron sulfate reacted with a dark brown balloon, which gradually dilutes over time and produces a pungent smell. The results of the sample test (cheese) showed that the three cheeses are devoid of high percentages of preservatives that may be harmful. And it was confirmed that the samples were free of harmful percentages by the method of testing iterations by doing 10 iterations for each sample of cheese, so that the rate of cheese reached 70%, and this confirms the presence of a moderate percentage of preservatives in cheese, which is the recommended percentage
التقدير النوعي لمعدل نتريث ونترات الصوديوم المستخدم كمادة حافظة في بعض أنواع الجبن من نوع )الشرائح ( الموجود بالسوق المحلية سبها . Qualitative evaluation of Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite uses as Food reservation matter in some local market's cv2heese cheese sliced