ملخص علم الاستعاضة السنية الثابتة لطلبة طب الأسنان في المرحلة ما قبل السريرية

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It is my privilege to have this opportunity to comprehensively elaborate the field of fixed prosthodontics. My objectives were to improve the readability, follow the correct nomenclature and be consistent throughout this edition. This book includes planning and preparation, clinical and laboratory procedures in various aspects of fixed prosthodontics. I have tried my best to update the content and describe it in the simplest form. The relevant basic information is presented in each chapter as applicable. All the chapters have been reorganized to include the most recent findings with adequate illustrations to go hand in hand. This book is intended to serve as a learning guide for dental students with focus on learning and understanding the concepts. This will enable them to incorporate these parameters into their dental practice. This textbook has been written mainly with the preclinical dental students in mind; although it is hoped that many parts of the text may prove beneficial to the dental technicians; dental surgery assistants & practicing dentists . This book aims at teaching the preclinical dental students a combination of theoretical & practical knowledge that could be applied to successfully design crowns & bridges having the least possible destructive effect & which fulfills functional; aesthetic & psychological requirements . Finally I hope that this book contributes to the teaching; practice & continued development of this academic discipline .