علي الزوي, اسراء2022-09-282022-09-282020-09-28https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/2718The plant Grewia tenax (Frosk.) Fiori. belonging to the family Tiliaceae, is a fruit producing tropical shrub or tree. It is a multipurpose plant which consumed as common household food, fodder, fuel, fiber and timber. The plant has high medicinal values and is used for treatment of numerous diseases, such as fever, diarrhea, dysentery, nausea, anemia, osteoporosis, rheumatism, bone fractures, body weakness and for bone strengthening and muscular strengthening. The secondary metabolites in the plant or crude extracts are known to be biologically active ingredients and directly responsible for different activities such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal and anticancer. In this study, quantitative spectroscopic methods coupled with coloring reagent, were used to assess the contents. Folin- Ciocalteu method was adopted to evaluate the total phenolic content of the extracts, while Aluminum chloride was used to evaluate the flavonoid content. The results showed that butanol has the highest phenolic amount with 23.0 mg GAE/g of extract, followed by chloroform with 15.2 mg GAE/g of extract, and the extracts followed the order butanol > chloroform > methanol > ethyl acetate, whereas methanol extract has the highest flavonoid contents with 3.8 mg QE/g of extract, and the extracts followed the order methanol > ethyl acetate > chloroform >butanol. Keywords: Grewia tenax, total phenolic content, total flavonoid content.The plant Grewia tenax (Frosk.) Fiori. belonging to the family Tiliaceae, is a fruit producing tropical shrub or tree. It is a multipurpose plant which consumed as common household food, fodder, fuel, fiber and timber. The plant has high medicinal values and is used for treatment of numerous diseases, such as fever, diarrhea, dysentery, nausea, anemia, osteoporosis, rheumatism, bone fractures, body weakness and for bone strengthening and muscular strengthening. The secondary metabolites in the plant or crude extracts are known to be biologically active ingredients and directly responsible for different activities such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal and anticancer. In this study, quantitative spectroscopic methods coupled with coloring reagent, were used to assess the contents. Folin- Ciocalteu method was adopted to evaluate the total phenolic content of the extracts, while Aluminum chloride was used to evaluate the flavonoid content. The results showed that butanol has the highest phenolic amount with 23.0 mg GAE/g of extract, followed by chloroform with 15.2 mg GAE/g of extract, and the extracts followed the order butanol > chloroform > methanol > ethyl acetate, whereas methanol extract has the highest flavonoid contents with 3.8 mg QE/g of extract, and the extracts followed the order methanol > ethyl acetate > chloroform >butanol. Keywords: Grewia tenax, total phenolic content, total flavonoid content.Phenolic and Flavonoid contents of Grewia tenax polar extracts