Watty, Mohammed2019-07-172019-07-172019-07-14https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/1717This study aimed to explore the obstacles that 7th semester students encounter when translating proverbs and to explore the strategies they use when translating proverbs from Arabic into English and vice versa. It aimed at answering the following questions: 1-What are the obstacles that 7th semester students face when they translate proverbs? 2-Which strategies do they use when they translate proverbs? To achieve the goals of this study, the researcher selected a purposive sample of 20 7th semester students (males and females). The researcher designed a translation test that consisted of 10 Arabic proverbs and another 10 English proverbs. The translators were asked to translate the Arabic ones into English and the English ones into Arabic. The researcher also conducted open-ended interviews with two academic translators to obtain more information about obstacles, causes andstrategies of translating proverbs. The study revealed that the obstacles which7th semester students face when translating proverbs from Arabic into English and vice versa are: inability to translate culturally bound words / expressions properly ; giving wrong TL equivalent, irrelevant meaning and wrong paraphrasing; using literal translation and misuse of the appropriate lexical words; committing linguistic, stylistic, and grammatical mistakes; and unfamiliarity with translation strategies and techniques. Moreover, the strategies they used while translating proverbs were: rendering TL equivalent which accounted for181 instances 45.25% of the total responses; the paraphrase technique which accounted for 88 instances 22%; literal translation which reached to57 instances 14.25%; and glossing which accounted for three instances 0.75% of the total translation.otherTranslation of ProverbsŲŒ Obstacles and StrategiesTranslation of Proverbs: Obstacles and Strategies (among 7th Semester Students)Thesis