Ramadan, Salma2019-07-232019-07-232019-07-19https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/1746This study investigates the reasons behind the lack of motivation for the first semester students when learning grammar at the English department at Sebha University. It focuses on its effect on the teaching and learning process and the roles both teachers and learners play in the presence or lack of motivation. the data of the research is collected through observation, interview and questionnaire. Grammar classes are observed and the existence of the problem is confirmed, then teachers are interviewed and students are given the questionnaire to fill. The investigation results show that students lack motivation to learn grammar, and that is the responsibility of both teachers and students. The 50% of the teachers say that students are demotivated because their level is lower that what they are learning while 50% say that the reason behind their motivation is the weakness of the syllabus and general unsuitability of the teaching environment. 60 % of the students mention in the questionnaire that teachers are not motivating them and that is the reason behind their lack of motivation while 40% say that they cannot keep up with the teachers' explanation.otherINVESTIGATING THE REAONS BEHIND ، LEARNING GRAMMAR AT THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENINVESTIGATING THE REAONS BEHIND THE LACK OF MOTIVATION FOR THE FIRST SEMESTER STUDENTS WHEN LEARNING GRAMMAR AT THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT AT SEBHA UNIVERSITYThesis