Omar Alayat, Ali alarabi2017-11-262017-11-262013 long time a lot of associates try to build database systems which could prove and performs many services. One of the project associated the information system is the classification of a data or the information. This data or information is presented in files that have different type like html. Our purpose to present a technique which may can classify these files dependent on their similarity and in a short time. The technique we going to use is a Bat algorithm. This algorithm is used in many applications like the problem of time table in the university. The files going to use can contains texts, images, photos. So experts always were we are looking for the best way to arrive or to find the exact information and to retrieve it’s quickly as possible. This information is distributed between different servers and with different languages, which give some difficulty to collect the similar pages together. To test the quality of this technique we propose two measures which are Rosrnbrock and De Jone's Functions [16]. So the only and easy way to arrive to this purpose is to do this work automatically. As example of the automatic systems we got many systems of knowledge which called hypertext, hypermedia and so on. These systems are used in different domains like the education. In this domain, many techniques to groups the pages web are used to support that way like statistics, mathematics models. From this work we hope built an automatic system by using bat technique.enBat algorithm, Classification, similarity.Classification of html files by using Bat algorithmArticle