Abdulhakim Ahmed Salem, ,Faraj Barka Gizo, Moaid-Alislam Mohammed Massoud2018-08-062018-08-062017https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/1029Water-Based mud (WBM) and Oil-Based mud (OBM) are the most common drilling fluids currently used and both have several characteristics that qualify them for High pressure & temperature purposes. They are usually formulated to meet certain properties to enable them to carry out the basic intended functions. The most prevalent problem affecting the drilling fluids is the cost of additions that mixed with the mud to achieve several goals and to prevent pipe sticking and fluid losses. The objective of this research is to figure out the ability of using the sea water to formulate water base mud by adding varies amounts of the carboxy methyl cellulose with comparison with fresh water .enImproving the Properties of Sea Water to be used as Water Based Mud with the Addition of Carboxy Methyl CelluloseOther