إبراهيم, ندىالامين, مروةالمهدي, فاطمة2021-01-102021-01-102021-01-10https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/2245The completion of this study required an enormous of time, effort and support from numerous individuals. We benefited greatly from their wisdom, investment and encouragement. We sincerely appreciate the efforts and support of our committee, colleagues, friends and family. As note of special thanks, we extend our special thank to the distinguished members of English department. First, we thank our hard-working and inspiring head of the department, Dr. Abd-Alrhman Hamza. We also thank our advisor, Dr. Ebrayek Deen for his help from the beginning till the completion of this research, detailed thoughtful guidance and encouragement throughout the course of preparing for and conducting this research.enEXPIORING THE PROBLEMS THAT FACE LIBYAN STUDENTS IN TRANSLATING TEXTS FROM ARABIC TO ENGLISH AT SEBHA UNIVERSITYEXPIORING THE PROBLEMS THAT FACE LIBYAN STUDENTS IN TRANSLATING TEXTS FROM ARABIC TO ENGLISH AT SEBHA UNIVERSITYThesis