Elamyal, Ramadan2018-02-222018-02-222013https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/633The management of the recurrent giant hepatic hydatid cyst is often a controversial matter. Herein, is described a case of a 37 year-old female patient who was diagnosed with a giant hydatid cyst occupying almost the entire right lobe of the liver. After identification and protecting the surrounding tissues, antiscolicidal injection (alcohol 97%) and evacuation of the total contents of the cyst is done, the cyst is totally excised. The large residual cavity was simply drained. The patient had developed biliary collection which has been drained pcrcutaneously under ultrasound guidance. She has been discharged 34 days after surgery in a good condition. The clinical presentation, diagnostic work-up and surgical management of the patient are discussed, along with a review of the literature.enHydatid liver cyst, echinococcosis, giant, recurrent, residual cavity.Pericystectomy for a Giant Recurrent Hepatic Hydatid CystArticle