2017-11-162017-11-162016-10-122521-9200https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/26This paper deal with three plant species which have not been previously recorded from Libya. One genera and three species are added to the flora of Libya. They are collected in trips throughout Libya from 2007 to 2011. These are Verbesina ( Asteraceae ). The species also includeRetamamonosperma( Fabaceae)and Euphorbia punctata ( Euphorbiaceae ).Verbesinaencelioides has ecological and medicinal, value, and it is considered drought tolerant plant, does not require large amounts of water, and in the folk medicine it uses in anti inflammatory action for both gum sores and in hemorrhoid treatment as well as for the treatment of spider bite symptoms.enRetamamonospermaNew plant records for the Flora of LibyaArticle