Ashpop, Abdul Wahid2020-02-102020-02-102020-02-08 field was selected to be the subject of a reservoir study in this project field is one of the fields located in the sirt basin and owned by the Arabic gulf company of Libya The main aim of my work is to determine the quantity of oil in place using (MBAL)software and evaluate the drive mechanism for this reservoir . the study includes maps . figures, tables ,and a report outlining the results. The results have shown that software petroleum experts (MPAL) the reservoir engineering interpret and predict the well production and efficiency of the reservoir, and know the measures used to improve the increase rate of production. In this report, we explain how the engineer conducts reservoir behavior and his ability to predict future production with the type of reservoir and its mechanism by using software petroleum expert (MBAL) .enUSING PETROLEUM EXPERTS SOFTWAREEVALUATION AND DRIVING MECHANISM ANALYSIS ON SATURATED OIL RESERVOIRS BY USING PETROLEUM EXPERTS SOFTWARE (MBAL)Article