Mohammed, Ehmuod2019-07-032019-07-032019-07-03 paper explores the use of Technology as a aid material in teaching speaking and listening skills at the English department of Sebha University /Libya. The participants were 34 students from the first, second and semesters in English department of Sebha.A questionnaire was used in the investigation. The study was quantitative in nature and employed a numerical approach. The results showed that students liked the idea of using of YouTube in a Listening and Speaking courses. As a result, this study recommends the use of YouTube as a supplementary source for teaching Oral skills. TABLE OFotherUSING TECHNOLOGY، SPEAKING AND LISTENING SKILLSINVESTIGATING STUDENTS PERSPECTIVES TO IMPACT OF USING TECHNOLOGY TO DEVELOP LIBYAN EFL SPEAKING AND LISTENING SKILLS IN SEBHA UNIVERSITYThesis