S.Y. Ahmed, A. Zayed2017-11-232017-11-232015https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/125This study was carried out during the summer season of 2010 at the Agricultural Research Station, Sebha, Libya to study effect of soaking seeds in four micronutrients solutions (Fe, Fe+Mn, Fe+Mn+Zn and Fe+Mn+Zn+Cu) and three soaking periods (3,6 and 9 hours ) as well as their interactions on growth and yield of maize crop. The main results showed that, all treatments of soaking seeds in micronutrients, soaking periods and their interactions significantly increased plant height, seed weight per plant and hectare comparing to control. Soaking seeds in micronutrients solutions (Fe, Fe+Mn, Fe+Mn+Zn and Fe+Mn+Zn+Cu) increased the mean values of plant height by 10.62, 15.85, 15.06 and 10.38%, re-spectively as compared with soaking seeds in distilled water. Increasing soaking du-rations in micronutrients solutions (6 and 9h) increased plant height, the mean val-ues of plant height increased by 4.42 and 8.78%, respectively as compared with 3h soaking duration. The maize yield increased by 32.98, 40.84, 37.50 and 21.75 % as compared with the control treatment for Fe, Fe+Mn, Fe+Mn+Zn and Fe+Mn+Zn+Cu soaking treatments, respectively. While, the yield increased by 4.46 and 14.24 % as compared with 3 h soaking duration treatment for 6 and 9 hours soaking duration treatments, respec-tive The previous results led to conclude that, seeds yield of maize can be increased if seeds soaking in micronutrients solutions before seedling. Also, seeds yield of maize can be increased by increasing seeds soaking duration.enMaize, yield, yield components ,micronutrients, soaking seeds duration..Growth, Yield and Yield components of Maize (Zea maize) as influ-enced by seeds soaking periods in some micronutrients solutions.Article