Fariha G. Alshokri, Abdalla M. Fadel2017-11-272017-11-272010https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/166A survey study conducted on 10 apariares in Benghazi area including the first escapment of Al-jabal Al-Akhdar. Results indicate that honey bee infected by three species of mites. Varroa destructor, Tropilaelaps clareae, Tyrophagus putrescentiae. V. destructor accounted for 88.78% of the total samples. The mean of the total parasites collected throughout the study period was 0.3683±0.003327. The highest mean was recorded in June, 0.5317±0.005871 and the lowest was in February 0.1717±0.0055. Statistical analysis show significant differences between months, seasons, apariers and regions.enSurvey Study On Ectoparasite Of Honey Bees Apis mellefera In Benghazi And Adjasent Area Of Al-Jabal Al- AkhdarArticle