Kamal Salih, Mohamed H Abd- El Latef,2018-02-132018-02-132005https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/581The present study was performed on 21 pairs of cadaveric human calcaneal bones to determine the pattern of bone mineral density (BMD) and to correlate it with the biomechanical function of the calcaneal bone. The present results have demonstrated variations in the BMD in the defferent regions of the calcaneus. In lateral projection the anterosuperior region presented the highest BMD. The posterior region had the second highest BMD. The intermediate and anteroinferior regions presented the lowest BMD. The dorsal aspect of the whole calcaneus appeared denser than the planter aspect. In the dorsoplantar projection, the middle region had the highest BMD. The anterior region had the lowest BMD and the posterior region was nearly similar to that of the lateral projection. The lateral aspect of the whole calcaneus was denser than the medial aspect and the posterior aspect of the calcaneus was denser than the anterior aspect. The relationship between the bone density distribution of the calcaneal bones and their biomechanical function in the gait cycle is discussed.enThe Pattern Of Bone Mineral Density In The Human CalcaneusArticle