Rabeea Elmatmati, Salha A. Zoubi,2018-02-132018-02-132013https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/583The small intestinal mucosal mast cells (MMC) distribution in the villi and the crypts of certain rodents, in addition to their response to the treatment with steroid hormones (glucocorticoids) is examined on Wistar, male rats which received a daily dose of prednisolone injection. The results were consistent in control animals with the previous findings showing larger mucosal mast cell population around the crypts than in the villous lamina propria throughout the small intestinal tract declining distally in both normal and treated rats. Prednisolone treated rats showed that the numbers of MMC were lower as compared to the normal counts after 24hrs and close to the normal values after 48 hrs of drug induction, tending to be higher after 72 hrs. The short period and low dose of the drug induction, although it suppresses the MMC counts, the MMC structure and function were not significantly affected as these numbers were shortly replaced. The intestinal lamina propria may overcome the periods of decreased activities through different physiologic processes. Key Words:Prednisolone;Mucosal Mast Cells;rat intestine.enThe Impact of the Glucocorticoid Hormones on the Mucosal Mast CellsArticle