Adam Abdulaziz Abdulrehem, Emhemmad Ali Bakary , Hamed Hassan Taher2019-03-042019-03-042018 key for meeting future energy requirements is to produce field more efficiently. To achieve this, information must first be properly interpreted and studied in order to carry out reasonable estimates of hydrocarbons in place. The study of the use of petrophysics to analyze wireline log and core data is a good way to evaluate any tank in terms of rock properties and fluid distribution. The study mainly identified reservoir properties such as lithology, shale volume, porosity (Ø), permeability (K), fluid saturation and net pay thickness, The petrophysical analysis of three exploratory wells in the Barrut I field in concession 72 (F4-NC-72, F5-NC-72 and F6-NC-72). The results reveled Beda reservoir content average porosity in wells (negligible 4.4% in well F-5, good 12% in well F-4 and poor 7.2% in well F-6), fair permeability average in wells (0.0086MD in well F-5, 1.21MD in well F-4 and 0.13MD in well F-6), average water saturation in wells reached F4 and F6 to 50%, and increasing toward north in F5 reached 65% which located at the edge of oil water contact, volume of shale reached 32% and net pay thickness of the lower Beda reached 111 feet. The heterogeneities is big impact in carbonate reservoir quality, although this study used only three wells with short distances between the wells but clear lateral variation encountered as in well F4 and F5, heterogeneities can enhance physical properties such as permeability as it was in F5 and F4 (0.0086 and 1.12 md) and the porosity from 4.4 to 12%.enPetrophysical analysis, Reservoir rock, porosity, permeability, water saturation and net pay.Petrophysical Evaluation of the Beda Formation Using Well Logging Analysis (Concession-72-Western Sirt Basin, Libya)Other