2017-11-202017-11-202015https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/62The main components of teaching are the teacher, the syllabus, methodology to be adapted, learners who want to learn and the classroom setting. Therefore any discrepancy exists between such components is expected to be positively or negatively influence process of teaching. These discrepancies might take place in terms of priorities of some elements which are not usually so crucial. But this priority becomes very sensitive when it comes to syllabus design and syllabus contents. Principles upon which syllabus design has to be based and the matching of contents to leaners’ needs. are the areas that need be carefully thought. And thus worked before introducing a syllabus to learners in class. This paper therefore tries to gather and discuss some of those pedagogical necessary insights related to the ESP/EST syllabusenThe Focus on ESP SyllabusArticle