Mohammad, MarwaAbdullah, Embarkah2019-11-182019-11-182019-11-18 aim of the present paper is to focus on oral communication competence and the relation between interaction and speaking, the difficulties of speaking which are faced by the students in interaction with teacher and students with each other in the classroom. Some strategies have been discussed in this research to explore how they contribute to manage better interaction . The method used in this study is qualitative. Instruments in this research are of two types of data collection, observations and interviews. Observations were used to observe the students inside the classroom during the lesson, and the interviews were conducted with five teachers and their experience were between five to seven years, they were all from University of Sebha, and 17 students aged between 19 to 21 years old . all the participants are from the third semester in the English department of Sebha University. After reviewing the answers of the interviews and observations; as a result, it has been found that most of the students face fear and shyness from their peers and teachers in communication because they do not have ability to speak and some of the students are not shy because they communicate at most lectures. And there are many activities done by the teacher in the classroom such as listening to music and doing presentation in the classroom and practice conversation with each other.enoral communication performance speaking interaction classroom student teacherIMPROVING ORAL COMMUNICATIVE PERFORMANCE OF EFL LEARNERS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AT SABHA UNIVERSITYThesis