عبدالحميد, الطيفعبدالجليل, اشتيوي2023-09-042023-09-042022https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/123456789/2935Solar energy has incredible potential to power our daily lives. Researchers suggest that the amount of sunlight striking the Earth's surface in one and half hour is enough to handle the energy consumption of the entire world for an entire year. Solar power system is one of the best renewable energy technologies that are not only cost effective but also environmentally friendly. Sebha city suffer from fluctuating of electricity and power blackout occurs many time during the last years. This due to imbalance between power generation and power consumption. Power cut is critical at some sites in the city like hospitals, water supply station, education institutions. The department of renewable energy engineering at Sebha university suffers from power cut prolong more than five hours during summer time. This effect the study plan in the department. The purpose of this project is to design PV system for the department to supplies electricity during power cut. The PV system will be offgrid system install on the roof of the department building. A backup battery will be used as stand up power source in the worst weather and during the early morning hours in winter time when the solar radiation is low. This project will focus on how a disconnected/autonomous systems approach can help reduce dependence on the grid and allow us to live self-sufficient without relying on one or more utilities. We designed the PV system of department of a renewable energy building using SAM simulation softwareenDESIGN AND SIMULATION OF A SOLAR PV SYSTEM FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ENGINEERINGOther