Abdulsalam musbah Abdulsalam, Osama mohammed almaridh , Ali hamed mohammed2019-03-042019-03-042018https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/1569Moreover, the viscosity , filtration & thickness of Mud cake reading in sea water base mud were better after adding different amounts of Permaloss and it becomes much better after adding 5 grams of the mention additive as it will decrease down in case of using 7 grams of it . Water base mud is one of the most common drilling fluids that are currently in use widespread on oil rigs based on platforms across the oceans and that refer to its characteristics in terms of high pressure and high temperature wells. They were configure to meet certain specifications under inexpensive economic conditions as these costs are usually comes from additives, methods of purification for some materials and transportation for these materials to platforms across the oceans. The objective of this thesis was to form a water base mud to be used on drilling rigs based on offshore platforms by using sea water after improving its fluid loss property with addition of (Permaloss). Good results were obtained from this thesis shows the possibility of using sea water as watery base mud . However, the Density & PH parameter reading in sea water base mud were much better and effectible with comparison of fresh water mud especially after adding the same amount of bentonite.enImproving The Fluid Loss Property of Sea Water to Be Used as Water Based Mud With Addition of PermalossOther