عبدالكريم, حسينعمر, محمدحماد, عبدالله2023-09-042023-09-042022https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/123456789/2937The production optimization is very broad subject contain vast subtitles which include but not limited to:  Identifying undesirable fluid sources (such as H2s and high water cut) and handle it.  Locate system bottlenecks and malfunction and unintended operations conditions  Scheduling periodic maintenance and equipment's replacements  Analyze failure data and derive occurrence pattern and reasons  Complying with operations constrains (such as limited water handling, separator capacity, gas injection availability)  Ensuring meeting target key performance indicator (KPI) for system.  Monitoring system response when sudden changes introduced and act accordingly to preserve valuable assets (reservoir and facilities)  Instrumental calibrationenGAS LIFT OPTIMIZATIONOther