الشريف, حفيظة نور الدين المهدي2018-12-052018-12-052012-01-01https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/1242بحث ماسترThis study was conducted on 475(253 female , 222 male) diabetic patients attending on diabetes clinic in Sebha region, to conduct study of the prevalence of anemia among them. The number of patients with type I of diabetes 136 patients (34.3%), patients with type II of diabetes 312 patients (65.7%). The sample aged between (14-85 years), and duration of illness ranged between (1-30 years). All sample were subjected to a range of laboratory tests included measurement of :blood sugar, HbA1c, urea, creatinine, protein urine and complete blood count. The Results showed that 12.5% diabetic patients were anemic. Prevalence of anemia among female 17% was higher than males 8.7%. The results showed that diabetic patients were anemic 59 patients (12.5%), prevalence of anemia in females higher than males (62.7% female, 37.3% male). The Results also showed that the anemic patients (both sexes) had higher average blood sugar concentration , HbA1c also their urine protein was high.enدارسة مدى إنتشار فقر الدم بين مرضى السكري المترددين عمى عيادة مرضى السكري بمنطقة سبهاThesis