إبراهيم, إيناسعبدالجواد, وردة2020-01-292020-01-292020-01-29https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/2109The focus of this study was on using of Picture books in teaching new vocabulary in Libyan property school on Sabha city. This helps equally the teachers and the students to explore a new technique on teaching and learning new vocabulary of English language. Vocabulary learning is an essential part in foreign language learning as the meaning of new words are often emphasizes whether in books or in classrooms .It is also central to language teaching and is paramount important to language learners. The study was carried on Aisha Umm_al Mouemeneen preparatory school in two different classes of the 5th grads with two different teachers. Each class contains 20 students who consider English as their second language. A classroom observation and pre posttest were applies on the participants and by the end of the lesson a survey was filled by the teachers. Teachers confirmed that using children’s picture books tactic increased the students’ skills to learn and use new vocabularies which they found a difficulty on learning and pronounce it before using the picture book technique. Results obtained from this study may have educational implications in the areas of syllabus design and teaching methodology.enTHE IMPACT OF USING PICTURE BOOK IN TEACHIN NEW VOCABULARY AT PREPORTY SCHOOL LEVEL IN LIBYATHE IMPACT OF USING PICTURE BOOK IN TEACHIN NEW VOCABULARY AT PREPORTY SCHOOL LEVEL IN LIBYAThesis