Ahmad, Siraj2017-12-032017-12-032007https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/235Aims and Objectives of Study: This Educational Intervention Study was done to assess and improve the knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding the hypertension control in the population. Material and, Methods: This study was done in 160 residents, aged 30 years and above of the Masabtank area, Hyderabad, India, during the period from January 2004 to July 2004. After the initial assessment, the residents were given educational sessions for 3 months. After another 3 months, post - interventional assessment was to study the impact. Percentages and means with standard deviations were calculated. Chi - square test and T test were performed for estimating the significance. Results: On the post interventional assessment there was 100% improvement in the areas of knowledge attitude and practice for the control of hypertension in the study population. Physical exercise increased by 24.5%. Tobacco chewing, smoking and alcohol consumption was reduced by 5.6%, 6.8% and 4.4% respectively. The mean systolic blood pressure was reduced by 5.15 (± 5.70) mmHg (p<0.001). The mean diastolic blood pressure was reduced by 2.5 (± 4.34) mmHg (p<0.001). Conclusions: Educational intervention provides the opportunity for close interaction between the health care providers and the community. It is an effective means for the prevention of hypertension in the population.enEducational Intervention, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Hypertension, ControlAn Educational Intervention to Improve the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice for Hypertension ControlArticle