الصغير, صفاءشبل, صالحة2021-09-142021-09-142020-09-14https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/2528A study was conducted to prepare iron nanoparticles using chemical compounds reducing agent from sodium borohydride (NaBH4) and we note that the peak of the curve appears for samples at 200 to 350 at UV measurements. The preparation of iron nanoparticles using a plant extract of the plant (Teucrium appolines) by adding a reducing agent from (sodium borohydride NaBH4) was also studied, we note that the curve appears at 350 when measured in UV. We observe the stability of nanoparticles from 2 to 3 months from the results of ultraviolet analysis, and pH measurements have proven the stability of iron nanoparticles in alkaline and acidic medium, according to a biological study of iron nanoparticles that has proven effective against bacteria.A study was conducted to prepare iron nanoparticles using chemical compounds reducing agent from sodium borohydride (NaBH4) and we note that the peak of the curve appears for samples at 200 to 350 at UV measurements. The preparation of iron nanoparticles using a plant extract of the plant (Teucrium appolines) by adding a reducing agent from (sodium borohydride NaBH4) was also studied, we note that the curve appears at 350 when measured in UV. We observe the stability of nanoparticles from 2 to 3 months from the results of ultraviolet analysis, and pH measurements have proven the stability of iron nanoparticles in alkaline and acidic medium, according to a biological study of iron nanoparticles that has proven effective against bacteria.and their Bio-application. Ligand stabilized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles