محمد, ضاويةامحمد, هناء2020-03-022020-03-022020-03-02https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/1/2160This study aims to explore the challenges that Libyan translator, majored in translation at the department of English, encounter when translating Libyan proverbs from Arabic into English. It also focuses on the strategies applied by the translator to facilitate the translation in that respect. To achieve the goals of this study, the researchers used two instruments for data collection. These are a test and interviews. The sample of this study consisted of 6 translators specialists in translation. The results showed that some translator, majored in translation face problems in transferring the meaning of Libyan proverbs into the target language (English) because it is unlikely to find the exact equivalent in English due to cultural aspects. As regards the strategies the translator use in order to translate the Libyan proverbs, it was found that literal translation was their method. They try to get equivalent in standard Arabic then translate it into English language.enChallenges Facing Libyan Translators in Translating Libyan Proverbs from Arabic to EnglishChallenges Facing Libyan Translators in Translating Libyan Proverbs from Arabic to EnglishThesis