علي, يوسفمالك, عبداللهالأمين, محمد2023-09-042023-09-042022https://repository.sebhau.edu.ly/handle/123456789/2947This project report covers the analysis of reservoir performance both historical and predicted under the given factors and variables that affect production from reservoir data that has obtained, The data collected from "Farrud" reservoir, the simulated data are calculated depending on sum of RRR29, RRR31 and RRR32 wells, and analyzed by using MBAL software. This software is applies material balance equation and other reservoir properties in the order to achieve the accurate OOIP based on the old OOIP and correct the data to estimate future performance of reservoir. In this study, different scenarios have been handled to match the old data that collected from the field. The best model can fit with data was (Schilthuis Steady State Model) water influx and correct the diffusivity depending on reservoir pressure, the old OOIP was 814 MMSTB and the corrected value of OOIP is 830 MMSTB. So, the results were close to the productivity that inputted in the production history and doesn’t reached bubble point pressure which was 1900 psia and the reservoir pressure has been maintained to keep above the bubble point pressure. Thus, long shut in period in simulated data let the pressure to increase around 150 Psia from the original value. Two scenarios has been conducted to predict the future performance in this field, first scenario is if the reservoir started producing 500 bbl/day of oil and 221 Mscf/stb of gas for each well without any injection, and the second scenario under the injection effect with injection rate 3000 bbl/day with 200000 ppm salinity and the productivity is 6000bbl/day for oil and 2652 Mscf/stb, both scenarios showed great results and didn’t reached bubble point pressure until 2040, the pressure was 2106 Psia for first scenario and 2073 Psia for second scenario, the two scenarios could be recommended to the Al-ghani-field in the order to Improve the productivity.enEVALUATION AND ANALYSIS FARRUD RESERVOIR IN GHANI-FIELD BY USING PETROLEUM EXPERTS SOFTWARE (MBAL)Other