Gehiny, Hassan2020-02-102020-02-102020-02-08 of The Pressure Volume Temperature (PVT) parameters is a requirement for all types of petroleum calculations such as determination of hydrocarbon flowing properties, predicting future performance, designing production facilities and planning methods of enhanced oil recovery etc…. Ideally the PVT properties of hydrocarbon are obtained from laboratory analysis and correlation using either bottom-hole samples or recombined surface samples. However, laboratory data are not always available due to economical and/or technical reasons. In this case empirical techniques are used to estimate the properties. In this study PVT models for Libya fields was performed using equation of state by defining the fluid component and experimental data that collected from Libya fields from two PVT reports into PVTisoftware. In Farrud Field (Ghani Field) the Tuning and regression process was performed on PVT model by splitting C7+ into two fractions with different frac percent. The percentage for first frac was 65% and the other was equal 35%. Also, first contact miscibility experiment was performed in order to determine minimum miscibility pressure “MMP” for different injection gases. The MMP result from PVT model when inject different gases “CO2,N2, C1 and H.C mixture” was equal was equal 2576, 14690, 8789 and 4113 Psi respectively. And in A Field (NC-186A) the Tuning and regression process was performed on PVT model by splitting C7+ into two fractions with different frac percent. The bubble point pressures of BHS in A-03 (West) are very close (794.7 psig) and after tuning using the software was (794.77 psig) , The Error (RMS) values the difference between the observed and calculated values is divided by the observed value), in this case it is below 2%.enPVTi SoftwarePVT Model for Libya Fields Using PVTi SoftwareArticle