saleh, Ahmedalkelani, MusabOfnayt, Saleh2020-03-012020-03-012020-03-01 of oil and gas comes after several operations of drilling and completion such as (perforation, acidizing and swabbing ..etc). Thus protecting reservoir properties considered the most to produce hydrocarbon with less cost and long life . The production operations has several methods (natural and artificial). When natural production getting lower ,artificial lift takes place. Thereafter, Changing any reservoir parameters could effect the production quantity. This study focused on changing of temperature parameter, pressure, salinity and gas gravity on gas production by using PROSPER software. The study results shows increasing of temperature reduces the quantity of production, while increase of pressure increase the production of gas, also increase of gas gravity reduce the gas production, whereas the salinity has no effect on the gas production.enPVTDetermine the effect of PVT parameters on the production of gas wells by using PROSPER softwareArticle