Corrosion behavior of mild steel immersed in different concentrations of NaCl solutions

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The current study deals with the effects of various immersion times and different concentrations of NaCl solutions on corrosion behavior of mild steel. The kinetics of mild steel corrosion in NaCl media has been investigated by weight loss at room temperature. Generally, the weight loss of mild steel at room temperature ( ͂ 25◦C) has been found to be quite significant, indicating poor corrosion resistance. Based on the data results, the corrosion process in different NaCl environments, may attributed to the present of dissolved oxygen. Also, the presence of Cl- as an aggressive ions play an importance role in corrosion process. Chloride anions in the solution could help to remove the metal cations accumulated on the anode by forming soluble compounds, and this contributes to an accelerated anodic reaction and thus faster rusting of the metals. The corrosion rates of the samples were also calculated by using an average weight loss measurements. In corroding media, (NaCl solutions), corrosion of carbon steel depends on the amount of oxygen dissolved in the media and concentration of the media. The higher the concentration, the more film build up and the lesser the corrosion rate. While the smaller the concentration the higher the corrosion rate.