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    دراسة بيئية للخنافس الارضية (Coleoptera : Carabidae) المتواجدة في الأراضي الزراعية في مناطق (اوباري , مرزق وسبها) بجنوب ليبيا
    (جامعة سبها, 2010) ادريس ميلود, عبد الله فضل
    جمعت عينات من الخنافس الارضية من عشرة حقول مزروعة بانواع مختلفة من المحاصيل (خضراوات, فاآهة واعلاف) على مدار فترة نشاط آاملة خلال العام 2005 م . استخدمة المصائد الارضية فى جمع العينات. اوضحت النتائج ان نشاط انواع هده الفصيلة يبداء من شهر الربيع (مارس) ويستمر حتى شهر الحرث (نوفمبر), حيث يظهر دروتين للنشاط الاولى خلال شهر الطير (ابريل) والثانية خلال شهر هنيبال (اغسطس). آما اوضحت نتائج التحليل الاحصائى ودالك بتحليل التباين النسبي وجود فروق معنوية (05.P < 0) بين حقول الدراسة.
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    دراسة مرجعية أولية حول الخسائر الاقتصادية الناتجة عن إصابة الزيتون في ليبيا Dacus oleae Cmel بذبابة ثمار الزيتون
    (جامعة سبها, 2010) عمران أبو صلاح أبو قيلة, علي محمود فارس
    للزيتون مكانة خاصة من الناحية الدينية و الاجتماعية و البيئية في حياة شعوب البحر الأبيض المتوسط. و تعتبر شجرة الزيتون من المحاصيل الاقتصادية ذات المردود المتعدد, فهي تزرع لغرض الثمار والزيت و الخشب, آما أن تمارها و أوراقها تستخدم في الصناعات الغدئية والطبية, إضافة إلى أن للمحصول فؤئد آبيرة في توفير فرص العمل الزراعية و الصناعية يبلغ عدد اشجلر الزيتون في ليبيا حوالي 11 ز 3 مليون شجرة, منها 8 ملين شجرة مثمرة, و يصل معدل الإنتاج من الزيتون حوالي 178 ز 5 ألف طن سنويا.تؤثر على الإنتاج عوامل عديدة من أهمها الآصابة بالآفات, حيت تعتبر دبابة ثمار الزيتون من اخطر الآفات التي تسبب خسائر اقتصادية آبيرة للمزارعين, حيت يصل متوسط نسبت الإصابة إلى 50% في حين يصل معدل الخسائر السنوية بين 10 - 18 مليون دينار ليبي في حدها الأدنى.
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    مدى انتشار فقر الدم بين مرضى السكري في منطقة براك - الشاطئ
    (جامعة سبها, 2010) أحلام علي اونيس ، حنان علي أبوبكر, أبوبكر معروف ميلاد ، المهدي ميلاد المهدي
    أجريت هذه الدراسة على 198 مريض من مرضى داء السكري في منطقة براك من المترددين على مختبر مستشفى براك العام، ومختبر التحاليل بقسم المختبرات الطبية بكلية العلوم الهندسية والتقنية، وذلك لدراسة مدى انتشار فقر الدم بينهم. آان عدد الذآور في هذه الدراسة 83 ، آان منهم 24 من المعتمدين علي الأنسولين، و 59 من غير معتمدين علي الأنسولين، في حين آان عدد الإناث 115 ، آان منهن 45 من المعتمدات علي الأنسولين، و 70 من غير المعتمدات علي الأنسولين، وتراوحت أعمار .( 51 سنة (بمتوسط 9.57 - 95 سنة (بمتوسط 52.86 )، وتراوحت مدة إصابتهم بالسكري بين 1 – أفراد العينة بين 20 وقياس ترآيز السكر في الدم، أما ،(CBC) خضعت جميع العينات لمجموعة من التحاليل المخبرية شملت عد الدم الكامل المرضى الذين وجد لديهم فقر دم بالإضافة إلى الاختبارات السابقة تم إجراء اختبارات آل من قياس الخضاب السكري فحص شرائح دموية مصبوغة، قياس السعة الكلية الرابطة للحديد، وترآيز حديد المصل. ،(HbA1c) أظهرت نتائج هذه الدراسة أن 10.1 % من الذين شملتهم الدراسة آانوا يعانون من فقر الدم، بلغت نسبة فقر الدم من الذآور %2.52 ، من المعتمدين علي الأنسولين، و 2.025 % من غير المعتمدين علي الأنسولين)، فحين بلغت نسبة فقر الدم من ) %4.5 3.53 من المعتمدات علي الأنسولين،و 2.025 % من غير المعتمدات علي الأنسولين). ) % النساء 5.5 بين ترآيز السكر في الدم وترآيز آل من (P< 0.05) تبين وجود علاقة ارتباط إيجابية عند مستوى المعنوية اقل من 0.05 خضاب الدم والخضاب السكري بالنسبة لنساء المعتمدات علي الأنسولين ورجال السكري الغير معتمدين علي الأنسولين من الذين يعانون من فقر دم. بينت الدراسة أن نسبة فقر الدم بين النساء ( 5.5 %) آانت أعلى بقليل من الرجال ( 4.5 %)، وان اغلب حالات فقر الدم .(% آانت من نوع فقر الدم بعوز الحديد ( 75 % من حالات فقر الدم وبنسبة عامة 7.6 30 – أن نسبة فقر الدم المتحصل عليها في هذه الدراسة والبالغة 10.1 % تعتبر معتدلة الحدة علي اعتبار أنها تقع بين 10 % وذلك وفقا لمعاير منظمة الصحة العالمية.
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    تقدير بعض العناصر الفلزية في مياه الشرب بجمهورية تشاد بواسطة طيف الامتصاص الذري
    (جامعة سبها, 2010) مسعود امحمد الرقيق, أحمد حسن محمد إبراهيم
    للماء قدرة آبيرة على إذابة آثير من المواد ، ولذلك يصعب الحصول عليه في حالة نقاء تام حيث يذيب الماء معظم الأحماض والقلويات والأملاح ويحتوي في أغلب الأحيان على بعض العناصر الفلزية بكميات آبيرة تفوق الحد المسموح به مما يسبب تسمم الكائنات الحية فيحد من استخدامه في آافة الأنشطة الحياتية للإنسان والحيوان والنبات لذا قمنا بهذه الدراسة لتقدير ترآيز العناصر الفلزية الأتية: الصوديوم ، البوتاسيوم ، الحديد ، النحاس ، الرصاص ، الزنك (الخارصين) ، والكادميوم في خمسة عشر عينة من بعض مصادر مياه الشرب بمدينة أنجمينا بجمهورية تشاد . أجريت التحاليل باستخدام طريقة طيف الامتصاص الذري فكانت نتائج التحاليل الإحصائية والتي شملت معامل على درجة عالية من الدقة. ، (RSD/%) والحيود القياسي النسبي (SD) والحيود القياسي ( CL ) الارتباط وأتت نتائج التحاليل لتقدير نسبة الفلزات المشار اليها في هذه العينات آما يلي: تراوحت نسبة الصوديوم والبوتاسيوم ،(10.03 – 95.67 μgl- 0.05 ) بالترتيب، وفي المدى ( 1 – 10.21 mgl- 1.86 ) و ( 1 – 75.56 mgl- في المدى ( 1 18.82 ) ، لكل – 60.22 μgl- 28.20 ) ، و ( 1 –137.60 μgl-1) ، (279.0–306. 6 μgl-1) ، (57.81–85.19 μgl-1) من الحديد ، النحاس ، الرصاص ، الزنك ، والكادميوم على التوالي. 5000 ) وإن تراآيز آل من الصوديوم μgl- دلت النتائج على أن ترآيز الزنك يقع في المدى الأقل من الحد الأمثل ( 1 والبوتاسيوم والحديد والنحاس تقع في الحدود المسموح بها ، بينما ترآيزي آل من الرصاص والكادميوم تجاوزا هذه الحدود 50 ، والكادميوم 5 μgl- وفقا للمواصفات الليبية الصادرة عن المرآز الوطني للمواصفات والمعايير القياسية (للرصاص 1 .( μgl-1
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    Survey Study On Ectoparasite Of Honey Bees Apis mellefera In Benghazi And Adjasent Area Of Al-Jabal Al- Akhdar
    (Sebha University, 2010) Fariha G. Alshokri, Abdalla M. Fadel
    A survey study conducted on 10 apariares in Benghazi area including the first escapment of Al-jabal Al-Akhdar. Results indicate that honey bee infected by three species of mites. Varroa destructor, Tropilaelaps clareae, Tyrophagus putrescentiae. V. destructor accounted for 88.78% of the total samples. The mean of the total parasites collected throughout the study period was 0.3683±0.003327. The highest mean was recorded in June, 0.5317±0.005871 and the lowest was in February 0.1717±0.0055. Statistical analysis show significant differences between months, seasons, apariers and regions.
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    Host Range And Host (Un)Specificity Of Different Isolates Of Polymyxa betae
    (Sebha University, 2010) Homa, Ihmed
    Five soil samples were taken from sugar beet growing areas in France (3), England (1) and Czech Republic (1). Sugar beet, Chenopodium album, C. murale, C. ficifolium, Portulaca oleracea, and Amaranthus retroflexus as possible hosts of specific formae speciales were sown in these samples. After six weeks roots of baiting plants were checked for the presence of P. betae cystosori. If they were not found every two weeks other plants were checked. Roots containing cystosori were harvested and homogenized in water. The homogenates were used to inoculate the same plants host in sand cultures. Using this method we obtained P. betae isolates from sugar beet and C. murale from all soil samples and two isolates from C. album. Roots of plants were used for the enrichment of P. betae population in sand. Then all host species were sown in these sands and roots of plants were checked as described above. Sugar beet and C. murale were infected in all soils. C. ficifolium and C. album were infected in three soils; A. retroflexus in one soil and P. oleracea has never been infected. On the contrary, after the enrichment of population of given isolate in sand all other hosts were always infected with two exceptional cases of A. retroflexus only. It means that there is almost no host specificity of different isolates. In different trials seeds of potential host species were sown into soil containing P. betae. The procedure was similar as described above. Some new host of P. betae were found.
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    The Dog – Whelk, Nucella Lapillus (L.) On The Rocky Shores Of Gower Peninsula, U.K. After The 1987 Tributyltin Restrictive Legislation.
    (Sebha University, 2010) B. L. James, M. S. Mustafa
    The occurrence of imposex female Nucella lapillus (L.) on the Gower Peninsula in 1992 with little development of the vas deferens (VDS) and very small relative penis size (RPS) suggests that, following the restrictive legislation for Tributyltin (TBT) in 1987, only residual levels of less than 1ng/1 remain in the sea water close to the relatively sheltered shores near the small boat Mooring, at Mumbles and near Swansea Docks. These results indicate that UK. Environmental quality target levels of less than 2 ng/1 of TBT has been achieved on the Gower Peninsular. In addition to the occurrence of the imposex females, the level of contamination on sheltered shores may increase penis bulk in males but is insufficient to (a) sterilize the females, (b) reduce population density, (c) affect the sex ratio or (d) to modify the shell characters of the dog-whelk. Some shell characteristics, however, change with variation in exposure to wave action. The more remote exposed shores appear to be free from contamination by TBT.The occurrence of imposex female Nucella lapillus (L.) on the Gower Peninsula in 1992 with little development of the vas deferens (VDS) and very small relative penis size (RPS) suggests that, following the restrictive legislation for Tributyltin (TBT) in 1987, only residual levels of less than 1ng/1 remain in the sea water close to the relatively sheltered shores near the small boat Mooring, at Mumbles and near Swansea Docks. These results indicate that UK. Environmental quality target levels of less than 2 ng/1 of TBT has been achieved on the Gower Peninsular. In addition to the occurrence of the imposex females, the level of contamination on sheltered shores may increase penis bulk in males but is insufficient to (a) sterilize the females, (b) reduce population density, (c) affect the sex ratio or (d) to modify the shell characters of the dog-whelk. Some shell characteristics, however, change with variation in exposure to wave action. The more remote exposed shores appear to be free from contamination by TBT.
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    Characterization The High Dispersion Molybdenum Oxide On Silica Surface Using XRD Technique
    (Sebha University, 2010) F.A Abudelrhman, Mohmed
    The X-ray powder diffraction method is thus ideally suited for characterization and identification of polycrystalline phases. The main use of powder diffraction is to identify components in a sample by a search/match procedure. Silica (SiO2) supported molybena (MoO3) catalysts at loading varying between 3 and 6 wt% were prepared by impregnating support silica (SiO2) with an aqueous solution at different acidity levels (pH = 2, 4 and 6) of ammonium hepta molybdate. After stirring for 3 h, the excess water was slowly evaporated at 100°C. Moreover, the impregnated supports were further dried at 120°C for 24 h. The products thus obtained were calcined at 700 °C for 2 h in static atmosphere of air. X-ray powder diffractogram (XRD) for support (SiO2), supported (MoO3) and different loading levels (3, 4, 5 and 6 wt% MoO3/SiO2) catalysts at different PH`s were investigated. The results clearly revealed that the formation of highly dispersed MoO3 phase on the SiO2 surface at a loading levels of 3 wt%, at pH = 2, for 4 wt%, at pH = 4 and 5 wt%, at pH = 6. This indicts that, a weaker dispersion of MoO3 on SiO2 surface at low pH. Given that, at low pH = 2 the formation of MoO3 phase crystallites was observed at 2 wt%. Whereas, at high pH = 6 the form of MoO3 crystallites was observed at 6 wt%. These results can be reorganized on the basis of the different surface chemical properties of the oxide support and nature of oxide supported.
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    Utilization Of Consumed Green Tea Leaves As Low Cost Adsorbent For Removal Of Lead Ions From Polluted Water
    (Sebha University, 2010) Assad Esheewe, Mohamed A Ackacha, Naje A Saeed
    The presence of toxic heavy metals such as lead in water environment, is one of the most environment problems in the developing countries. Adsorption technique is one of the effective methods were used for removal of lead ions from polluted water. In the present work, consumed green tea leaves without further treatment were used for the removal of lead ions from polluted water. Batch adsorption experiments explained that the consumed green tea leaves has a high adsorption efficiency for adsorption of lead ions onto it's surface. Several parameters affecting the adsorption process were studied such as initial pH of lead ion solutions, adsorbent concentration and contact time. Adsorption kinetics such as pseudosecond order reaction was studied. Langmuir and Freundlich models were applied for describing the adsorption process. The maximum adsorption capacity of Pb(II) onto consumed green tea leaves at 313 and 320 K were 192.31 and 138.88 mg/g, respectively.
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    New Approach Of Contour Approximation
    (Sebha University, 2010) Ukasha, Ali Abdelrahman
    This study introduced new algorithm of a method known as Trapezoid method for the contour compression. The analysed algorithm is able to approximate efficiently a set of straight segments in a near optimal way in terms of contour quality. Representations of the input contour points are in Cartesian co-ordinates which are processed in such way to obtain vertices and which some of them are chosen as the vertices of the contour polygon. The analysed algorithm has some main advantage compared to the existing methods, it is faster on implementation. The proposed algorithm is compared with Ramer method because it has best quality among well known algorithms; and with Triangle method because it’s high speedity in implementation; in addition to the Trapezoid method (I algorithm) of contour approximation. Computational time of analysed method is estimated depending on a number of numerical operations. This paper shows that the simplicity is additional distinct feature of the proposed algorithm. This work gives an overview of the system architecture, describe the compression technique, and discuss implementation aspects. Experimental results for single and multicontours images are obtained in terms of image quality, compression ratios, and image retrieval timings. It was concluded that the proposed algorithm have high compression efficiency with accepted quality for different type of contours from different languages such as Arabic and English.
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    تأثير إضافة مستويات مختلفة من فيتامين هـ للعلف على طول فترة الحمل, حجم الخلفة, معدل الوفيات, كمية الحليب ووزن الفطام في الأرانب النيوزيلاندية خلال فصل الصيف في ليبيا
    (جامعة سبها, 2013) علي حسين كانون, امحمد الشامس رحال, بثينة الطاهر المهدوي, مفتاح عبدالسلام مصباح إبراهيم علي عزاقة
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    On the embedding Menger n-groupoids in n-ary topological groups
    (Sebha University, 2013) Hamza, Boujouf
    In [1] Regilhof proved that the binary cancellative ,abelian, locally compact semigroup when all of whose intern translations are open and continuous, is topologically embeddable in a locally compact binary topological group as an open subsemigroup. In this paper we prove a similar result for Menger n-groupoid X,   with the topology X  . And we concluded the continuity of the n-ary operation ( ) in all arguments in topology X  .
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    (Sebha University, 2013) A.M.Mami, A.K.Abdlkder
    Non-parametric regression is type of regression analysis in which functional form of the relationship response variable and the associated predictor variable dose not to be specified in order to fit a model to a set of data. There are many different methods for non-parametric regression. We have used the local polynomial kernel estimator with the optimal choice of the smoothing parameter(s).Choosing the optimal smoothing parameter(s), which is usually called the bandwidth(s), is considered to be one the most important issue when using the kernel-based estimator. Also, the optimal bandwidth(s) played crucial role to uncover the structure of the underlying data. In this paper, we use simulation approach to make comparisons between two different strategies for selecting the optimal bandwidth(s), namely the Direct plug-In (DPI) selection method and the Residual Square Criterion (RSC) method. Within the context of these two strategies of selecting the optimal bandwidth(s), there are two different settings of choosing the smoothing parameter: global (single bandwidth) or adaptive (variable bandwidths). Moreover, four different example-regression models have been used in order to smooth the mean regression functions. Several statistical properties have been investigated in the simulation study. Such study must be restrictive because of the many possibilities to be consider, we decide to consider the following three elements: The size of sample (n). Distribution of the error's (normal, exponential). The kind of Design (fixed and random).
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    (Sebha University, 2013) Elzawam, Nasar
    Shallow refraction seismics has long been used for the determination of the near surface layer structure. The most common goal of this investigation in seismic prospecting for gas and oil was the definition of the static corrections . The model of near surface layer was the result of refraction interpretation allowing to derive estimates of the thicknesses and velocities of the near-surface layers by analyzing the first breaks of head waves. Several methods have been proposed for the interpretation of refraction data . However, all these methods have certain drawbacks restricting their range of applications. Nowadays the CDP method (Common Depth Point method) is the dominating method of surface acquisition. This information may be used to estimate static corrections. Additionally we can realize special velocity surveys in deeper shot holes and use their results (traveltimes) to derive velocity model of LVL ( Low Velocity Layer ). Their is no such a possibility in the case of Vibroseis method. In this case we must practically obtain all the information about LVL only from reflection field records. This information is mainly inherent in first breaks of refraction arrivals. In the presented paper the results of imaging near surface velocity heterogeneities of the medium in the wave pattern of finite difference acoustic modeling have been described. The main goal of this modeling was to define the effect of near surface layer heterogeneities on the breaks of head waves connected with shallow refractors. The effect of heterogeneities dimensions, velocity distributions in the near surface layer as well as the seismic signal parameters on the wave pattern of head waves breaks of reflection records has been estimated. The analysis has been undertaken to assess the possibility of applications these breaks for recovering near surface velocity distributions by means of head wave tomography. The seismic modeling has been performed using computer program of 2-D finite difference modeling available in the processing system ProMAX.
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    Determination of enthalpy and entropy of micellization for Brij-35 and the Effect of salts on critical micellar concentration
    (Sebha University, 2013) MOUSA, SALEM MANSOUR
    In this study the thermodynamic parameters of micelle formation for Brij-35 (the nonionic polyoxyethylene ether surfactants Brij 35 (C12E23 i.e. CH3(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)23OH) will be determined from kinetics data. The reaction used is the reduction of m-chloroperbenzoic acid by iodide. The initial concentrations of peracid and iodide were 4 x 10-6 M and 1.5 x 10-3 M respectively. Reactions were carried out in 0.003 M nitric acid and in presence of sodium sulphate and sodium perchlorate. .The results show that, the Hydrophilic ―salting out‖ sulphate ions increase the rate constant of the reaction in the micelle and reduce the critical micellar concentration (CMC); whereas hydrophobic ―salting in‖ ions perchlorate decrease the rate constant and have much less effect on the CMC. In all different conditions investigated the temperature seems to increase the rate and decrease the critical micelle concentrations.
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    Facile Synthesis of Thiazolidin-4-one Derivatives Incorporating Indole Moiety
    (Sebha University, 2013) A. Altamamy, Hussein.
    Condensation of ethyl 3-formyl-1H-indole-2-carboxylate (1) with thiosemicarbazide in ethanol gave ethyl 3-(thiosemicarbazidomethyl)-1H-indole-2-carboxylate (2). Treatment of 2 with chloroacetic acid afforded the thiazolidin-4-one derivative 3. Condensation of 3 with aromatic aldehydes gave the corresponding arylidene derivatives 4a-c. Cyclization of 4a-c with hydroxylamine hydrochloride in the presence of sodium acetate yielded thiazolidino[4,5-c]isoxazoline derivatives 5a-c. The structure of the synthesized compounds were confirmed using elemental and spectroscopic analysis.
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    Synthesis, Spectroscopic Investigation and Antibacterial Activity of some new Schiff Base Chelates
    (Sebha University, 2013) H.A.Boghdadi, A.M.Hamil, M.M. El-ajaily, M. Abdelkarem M. Himmet
    New divalent and trivalent transition metal complexes of 2-[(4 -[(Z)-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethylidene]aminobutylethanimidoyl]phenol] were synthesized. The synthesized complexes were subjected to CHN, molar conductivity, magnetic moments, infrared, electronic and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. The CHN elemental analyses showed the formation of 2:1 [M:L] ratio, The molar conductance measurements revealed the presence of non-electrolytic nature. infrared spectral results displayed the involvement of azomethine nitrogen atom and hydroxyl groups in coordination to the central metal ion. On the basis of electronic and electron paramagnetic resonance spectral studies, an octahedral structure was proposed for all complexes. Also the antibacterial activity of the Schiff base and its chelates were screened on some pathogenic bacteria.
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    Synthesis and Biological activity of Some PyrroloPyrimidine Compounds.
    (Sebha University, 2013) Mussa, Suliman Mohamed
    The present work was planned to synthesize some heterocyclic compounds containing pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines. Our approach to the synthesis of the target compounds started through the hydrolysis of 6-ethylthio-4-methyl-2-(p-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile by refluxing in ethanol containing sodium hydroxide to give the corresponding sodium salt derivative which in turn was acidified to give 5-cyano-4-methyl-2-(p-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidin-6(H)one. Chlorination of the 5-Cyano-4-methyl-2-(р-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidin-6(1H)-one afforded 6-Chloro-4-methyl-2-(p-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidin-5-carbonitrile, which reacted with ethyl glycinate hydrochloride to give Ethyl (5-cyano-4-methyl-2-(p-methoxyphenyl)yrimidin-6-yloxy)acetate, which underwent cyclization to give the ethyl 5-amino-4-methyl-2-(p-methoxyphenyl)-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxylate. The reaction of 5-Cyano-6-chloro-4-methyl-2-(р-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine with piperidine, and morpholine, gave the 4-Methyl-6-(morpholin-4-yl)-2-(р-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine-carbonitrile and 4-Methyl-6-(morpholin-4-yl)-2-(р-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile respectively . The Ethyl 5-amino-4-methyl-2-(р-methoxyphenyl)-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxylate was used as key intermediates in the synthesis of other pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives, pyrimido[4\,5\:4,5]pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines and triazolopyrro lopyrimidines by reaction with different reagents . Seven compounds were selected and screened in vitro for their antimicrobial activity against four strains of bacteria and two fungal species .
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    Olive branches blight in Jordan
    (Sebua University, 2013) Bashabsheh, Mohammed
    This disease of olive trees was noticed throughout field surveys in the north of Jordan. Olive branches show necrosis and eventual blight starting at the old pruning points, damaged branches ends and broken branches by the end of the growing season. Disease symptoms are characterized by reddish discoloration starting on one side of the affected branch and then moves downward in the cortex and the phloem making long red strip of sunken tissue. At the advanced stages the xylem underneath form that growing red discoloration becomes brown. The affected xylem tissue at first appears as a sector in the cross section and then the whole xylem inside of the branch become affected. Those symptoms were previously attributed to improper pruning practices. However this case becomes rather a phenomenon affecting large population of olive trees in the olive plantations in the north of Jordan. It is suspected that one or more pathogenic fungi prevailed throughout past seasons becoming significant on predisposed olive branches and trees. This investigation aimed to evaluate the magnitude of the disease incidence and severity and also to confirm the pathogenic agents associated with such symptoms and test there pathogenecity. At the end to evaluate all possible control methods and management measures against this disease.
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    Antibiotic Susceptibility and Concentration of Airborne Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (CoNS) in the Intensive Care Units (ICU) of Different Hospitals in Northern Jordan
    Coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) constitute an increasing nosocomial problem especially in hospitals due to intrinsic and acquired resistance to antimicrobials agent. Our objective is to evaluate the CoNS in the adult intensive care units (ICU) and nursery intensive care units (NICU) of Northern Jordan Hospital, to different antibiotics. 128 air samples of 100 liters volume/min were collected by a microbiological air sampler from the above units during the period June to December, 2005. Air samples were impacted on Trypticase soy agar (TSA), and then incubated at 37 °C for 48 h. Each bacterial colony appeared on agar plates were sub-cultured on TSA or blood agar and incubated at 37 °C for 24-48 h, and then identified by standard methods. The average bacterial count in the ICU and NICU was 311.7 and 322 cfu/m3, respectively. CoNS were the most prevalent bacteria of all Gram positives in ICU (26.5%) and NICU (23.5%) with S. saprophyticus been the most isolated species (> 65%). CoNS were the most commonly isolated Gram positive cocci in ICU and showed remarkable resistance to Novobiocin (66.9 %), but high susceptibility (> 90%) to Ciprofloxacin.