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Item Exploring the benefits of Television In Learning English Language(جامعة سبها, 2018) عبد القادر, عائشةThis work will provide the necessary knowledge about the use of Television In learning English language, and it is crucial role. This technology plays for creating learning environments in such Entertainment wayItem Second Language Learning for Adult EFL University Students(جامعة سبها, 2018) محمد عبدالله, ناجي عبداللهThe aim of this study is to explore the problems and factors that prevent or face university students in the Department of English to learn the English language .The method used in this study is "a qualitative method". And the participants in this study are students from the Department of English and they are from different semesters and different genders. The result of the study are the students face problems in "listing and speaking" because of lacking in vocabulary and background in language and less motivation to use the language and they have problem in pronunciation.Item "Writing is a process of doing and thinking"(2018-02-03) محمد أبوبكر, إيمانIn today‟s modern and challenging world, we are witnessing changing on day basis. As educators, it is important to roll with these changes in all aspects of the academic field, particularly in the field of writing. Besides, effective participation in today‟s demanding and requires students to be better thinkers while writing essays in English. The importance of essay writing for EFL student is undermined by Grabe and Kaplan (1996) who mentioned that students in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) contexts will need English writing skills ranging from a simple paragraph and summary skills to the ability to write. (Grabe andItem Exploring the role of visual aids in teaching vocabulary to Libyan primary schoole students(جامعة سبها, 2018-08) ابراهيم عمر/حسن محمد, ناصر سليمانDifferent researches proved that visuals clarify and enhance students' learning, and that this information is recognized and remembered by them for longer durations than verbal information alone. Using visual aids to teach English vocabulary in primary classroom is considered to be the instruments which increase sensibility, improve concentration, help to develop understanding and memorizing abilities, and give a rise to enjoyment and relaxation in learning. In this study I aim to investigate the importance of visual aids in education, specifically in relation to foreign language vocabulary teaching to sixth grade primary. We spot the light on the role of using visual aids in presenting new vocabulary items to second language primary students. I assume that the sixth grade students who are taught new vocabulary items by the use of visual aids will understand and memorize these items faster than students who are taught without using the visual aids. Thus, I concluded that the greatest benefit from the use of visual aids in language classrooms is that it creates a good atmosphere that helps the student develop a positive attitude toward language learning, and the government should justify the use of these aids in teaching language skills in our primary schools, as well as offer textbooks and materials that focus on teaching English subjects through visual aids facilities.Item EXPLORING PROBLEMS FACING LIBYAN TRANSLATION STUDENTS IN TRANSLATING LEGAL DOCUMENTS(sebha university, 2019-06-19) Abd-Alati, WejdanThe aim of this study is to explore how legal translation is complex and difficult to deal with. Also to know the importance of legal translation in our life. Translation students may face some obstacles in translating legal documents. Accordingly, they may need to use some strategies to help them in translating legal texts. Using qualitative method and data collection techniques such as open-interview and questionnaire on the translation students with the focus on how do students translate legal terms at department of English, University of Sebha. The study found that translation students have some problems of legal translation due to the lack of vocabulary, and cultural knowledge.Item (التلوث البيئي) المشاكل - والحلول(جامعة سبها, 2019-06-30)التلوث من المشكلات الفتاكة التي تواجهها المجتمعات في الوقت الراهن وهي بحاجة إلى تضافر الجهود كافة لمعالجتها والحد من أثارها السلبية على المجتمع . لكل مخاطر التلوث البيئي هذه جاءت دراستنا للتقصي عن المشكلات الاجتماعية للتلوث البيئي في المجتمع الحضري وبحث أسبابها وأثارها. ومحاولة وضع التوصيات التي من شانها القضاء على الأسباب ومعالجة الآثار بما يسهم في تحجيم المشكلات الاجتماعية للتلوث البيئي .Item TRANSLATION MISTAKES COMMETTED IN SUBTITLING ENGLISH FILMS AND TV SHOW INTO ARABIC(sebha university, 2019-07-01)The current study investigates the mistakes committed by translators in the subtitling English films into Arabic. It adopted a qualitative approach in the analysis of a parallel corpus, which comprised a sample of scripts of English speaking films and their subtitles in Arabic. To the purpose of the study eleven television episodes and ten films were targeted to explore the translation mistakes. The analysis of the selected films and TV show indicated that common mistakes committed in translating slang , taboo words, and humor. The study concluded that the translation mistakes were due to translators’ lack of knowledge about slang words and also due to some cultural as well as religious considerations.Item Translation of Proverbs: Obstacles and Strategies (among 7th Semester Students)(جامعة سبها, 2019-07-14) Watty, MohammedThis study aimed to explore the obstacles that 7th semester students encounter when translating proverbs and to explore the strategies they use when translating proverbs from Arabic into English and vice versa. It aimed at answering the following questions: 1-What are the obstacles that 7th semester students face when they translate proverbs? 2-Which strategies do they use when they translate proverbs? To achieve the goals of this study, the researcher selected a purposive sample of 20 7th semester students (males and females). The researcher designed a translation test that consisted of 10 Arabic proverbs and another 10 English proverbs. The translators were asked to translate the Arabic ones into English and the English ones into Arabic. The researcher also conducted open-ended interviews with two academic translators to obtain more information about obstacles, causes andstrategies of translating proverbs. The study revealed that the obstacles which7th semester students face when translating proverbs from Arabic into English and vice versa are: inability to translate culturally bound words / expressions properly ; giving wrong TL equivalent, irrelevant meaning and wrong paraphrasing; using literal translation and misuse of the appropriate lexical words; committing linguistic, stylistic, and grammatical mistakes; and unfamiliarity with translation strategies and techniques. Moreover, the strategies they used while translating proverbs were: rendering TL equivalent which accounted for181 instances 45.25% of the total responses; the paraphrase technique which accounted for 88 instances 22%; literal translation which reached to57 instances 14.25%; and glossing which accounted for three instances 0.75% of the total translation.Item INVESTIGATING THE REAONS BEHIND THE LACK OF MOTIVATION FOR THE FIRST SEMESTER STUDENTS WHEN LEARNING GRAMMAR AT THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT AT SEBHA UNIVERSITY(جامعة سبها, 2019-07-19) Ramadan, SalmaThis study investigates the reasons behind the lack of motivation for the first semester students when learning grammar at the English department at Sebha University. It focuses on its effect on the teaching and learning process and the roles both teachers and learners play in the presence or lack of motivation. the data of the research is collected through observation, interview and questionnaire. Grammar classes are observed and the existence of the problem is confirmed, then teachers are interviewed and students are given the questionnaire to fill. The investigation results show that students lack motivation to learn grammar, and that is the responsibility of both teachers and students. The 50% of the teachers say that students are demotivated because their level is lower that what they are learning while 50% say that the reason behind their motivation is the weakness of the syllabus and general unsuitability of the teaching environment. 60 % of the students mention in the questionnaire that teachers are not motivating them and that is the reason behind their lack of motivation while 40% say that they cannot keep up with the teachers' explanation.Item Problems that 7th Semester Students Face When They translate some Cultural Expressions from English into Arabic(جامعة سبها, 2019-07-19) OTHMAN, TAMERThis study aim to investigating the problems that 7th semester students face when they translate culturally expressions from English into Arabic. To achieve the goal of this study, the researcher selected a convenient sample of 10 undergraduate students who were in the seventh semester at Sabah university. The instrument used in this study was a translation test which consisted of 10 culturally expressions selected from an American movie namely, "Erin Brockovich". Results of the study revealed that some of 7th semester students faced different kinds of difficulties when they translate culturally expressions. These difficulties arise from the fact that they translate literally and their sensitivity to the English culture and to their unfamiliarity with the appropriate translation techniques and finally to their inadequate proficiency in the target language.Item Cultural issues in translation when translation from English to Arabic and vice versa(جامعة سبها, 2019-07-19) Mohammad, NejmaItem EXPLORING THE OBSTACLES THAT FACE LLIBYAN EFL STUDENTS IN TRANSLATING LIBYAN PROVERBS FROM ARABIC TO ENGLISH(جامعة سبها, 2019-07-21) AHMED, FATMAThis study aims to explore the challenges that Libyan students, majored in translation at the department of English, encounter when translating Libyan proverbs from English into Arabic. It also focuses on the strategies applied by the students to facilitate the translation in that respect. To achieve the goals of this study, the researchers used two instruments for data collection. These are a questionnaire and interviews. The sample of this study consisted of 20 students and 3 teachers. The results showed that some students, majored in translation face problems in transferring the meaning of Libyan proverbs into the target language (English) because it is unlikely to find the exact equivalent in English due to cultural aspects. As regards the strategies the students use in order to translate the Libyan proverbs, it was found that literal translation was their method. They try to get equivalent in standard Arabic then translate it into English language.Item EXPLORING SOME PROBLEMS IN TRANSLATING SOME RELIGIOUS EXPRESSIONS FROM ARABIC TO ENGLISH ENCOUNTRED BY 7TH SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT IN SEBHA UNIVERSITY(جامعة سبها, 2019-08-01) Ibrahim, HalimaThis study aims to explore the problems that face translation students in translating some religious expressions. In different religious occasions into English language. This study found some problems that face 7th semester translation students in translating expressions used by them in Islamic occasions. This problems are related to the voids in cultures ,differences between both language styles and the lack of equivalences in English language. And discuss a variety of strategies that could be useful in translating religious expressions items from Arabic into English. In sum, The sample of the study small number of participants. And the method we used to collecting the data quantitative using open-ended questionnaire. The cause of these problems as obtained from findings of the study are the lack of experience in the culture of the target Language users ,the lack of knowledge in both languages structures and the lack of special references for the items. In conclusions the findings of the study suggested some solutions. Including training , designing materials.Item PROJUCT SUBMITTED TO THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT IN FULFUMENT B.A DEGREE IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS(2019-09-02) الصنديد, زهراءItem THE USE OF SMART PHONE APPLICATIONS IN LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE AMONG LIBYAN EFL SEBHA UNIVERSITY STUDENTS(جامعة سبها, 2019-10-14) ALMABROUK, IBRAHIMThe study aims at investigating the effect and efficiency of using mobile phone applications in learning a second language among EFL learners at the department of English of Sabah university.Item Explore Problems facing translation students at English language Department of Sabha University translating literally text from Arabic to English(جامعة سبها, 2019-10-14) Ali, Aya - Gesamecategories. This is because the main principle of literary translation is the dominance of poetic communicative function. It means that in addition to rendering information to the reader, literary translation also has aesthetic functions، but but most of the translation students at University of Sebha have a problem when thy translate litrary text , they don't have enough background of the entire cultural of the target language .Therefore, in this project I tend to investigate those problems that face students when they translate. .Item IMPROVING ORAL COMMUNICATIVE PERFORMANCE OF EFL LEARNERS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AT SABHA UNIVERSITY(جامعة سبها, 2019-11-18) Mohammad, Marwa; Abdullah, EmbarkahThe aim of the present paper is to focus on oral communication competence and the relation between interaction and speaking, the difficulties of speaking which are faced by the students in interaction with teacher and students with each other in the classroom. Some strategies have been discussed in this research to explore how they contribute to manage better interaction . The method used in this study is qualitative. Instruments in this research are of two types of data collection, observations and interviews. Observations were used to observe the students inside the classroom during the lesson, and the interviews were conducted with five teachers and their experience were between five to seven years, they were all from University of Sebha, and 17 students aged between 19 to 21 years old . all the participants are from the third semester in the English department of Sebha University. After reviewing the answers of the interviews and observations; as a result, it has been found that most of the students face fear and shyness from their peers and teachers in communication because they do not have ability to speak and some of the students are not shy because they communicate at most lectures. And there are many activities done by the teacher in the classroom such as listening to music and doing presentation in the classroom and practice conversation with each other.Item Investigating the difficulties of translating Prophetic Hadiths into English(جامعة سبها, 2019-11-18) Ali, OmalsaadThis research studies the difficulties that face translation students in translating Prophetic Hadiths into English ,it aims to find out the most common problems that students face .it also aims at finding solutions for that problems , this study will emphasize that the successful translation of prophet's Hadiths is only possible if the translator follow the required skills which make the process of translation easy especially translating those texts that having strong tie with particular culture or religion .Item Problem, Differences and Misunderstanding in translating proverbs from English to Arabic(جامعة سبها, 2019-11-19) Mohammed, Salma, Eman AbdAljawad, AltaherIt is widely agreed that translation has made a real change in different parts of the world. Bringing some other different cultural concepts and behaviors to a different culture has always been interesting and informative, but a complicated. The increasing interest of translation and translation studies has brought different issues to investigation, cultural or non-cultural. Scholars have changed the concentration to include cultural issues to the pure scientific issues they use to focus on. For example this includes linguistic and sociolinguistic issues in their cross-cultural analysis to be translated and then identifying reason for misunderstanding in intercultural conversations. The purpose of this study is to clarify the concept of translation and its role of conveying one concept of culture to another culture. It stress the importance of the translation and the translator's role in knowledge of different cultures in order to perform a distinguished performance in transfer of ideas, in particular proverbs. The concentration is on translating proverbs that exist in every language to express particular messages. However, when a proverb is translated, certain issues emerge due to its particular cultural massages. However, when a proverb is translated, certain issues emerge due to its particular cultural differences which are differently said among language. Such issues can be resolved by proper selection of translation methods of translation.